Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shania's Saline Solution

Country diva Shania Twain recently visited a salt room in New York. Here is the blog post from The National Post's blogger, Shinan Govani:

Shinan: Shania's saline solution
Posted: April 21, 2010, 2:04 PM by NP Editor

All sugar and spice … and salt. That’s our Shania Twain.

With the superstar Elizabeth Gilbert-ing her way through life these days — new man, check; new Oprah-blessed reality show, check — she’s also taking care of business, lungs-wise. To that end you see, she was in New York City, just a couple of weekends back, where she visited a wellness centre specializing in … well, yes, salt.

According to a source, the Canadian cover girl popped in then into the newly-hatched Halo/Air Salt rooms, on West 22nd Street, where she “told the receptionist that she wanted to go to cleanse her throat, as she can she has been sick/breathing poor recently, and had heard breathing in salt particles could benefit singers.”

Apparently, it was an hour-long session and, apparently, Shania, like Schwarzenegger, said she’d be back. Salt inhalation, which has been around since the Greeks and long acted as a boon to those with respiratory problems, is inspired here by the “natural conditions found in caves in Eastern Europe,” according to a recent piece in The New York Times.

“Man, I feel like a woman!” was what she screamed when she emerged from her Salt Room. Actually, she did not. But that would have been great, no?

What the toe-tapper did do, our spy further reports, is breathe in salt particles while catching up on her favourite TV shows. (Because, well — hypothetically speaking — what goes down better with 30 Rock than a nostril-full of salt?)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Doctors Are In!!

The megahit health talk show, The Doctors, from the producers of Dr. Phil, found our salt therapy fascinating and wanted to feature it on a segment titled "Health and Beauty Secrets Around the World." Click HERE for a preview of the show.

See handsome Dr. Travis Stork get into a Bavarian beer bath, Dr. Andrew Ordon demonstrate a banana facial, and the four doctors taste our Dead Sea salt, which is a little bitter and NOT recommended for eating, as you'll see on the show!

Tune in Wednesday, April 21, at 11 a.m. to KCAL-TV 9 in Los Angeles, and check The Doctors website for local listings if you are outside of Los Angeles.

Salt Chalet has The Doctors' seal of approval!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cruising the LA Talk Scene

Salt Chalet was recently invited to talk about salt therapy on LA Talk Radio, a popular and sassy internet radio station in Los Angeles. Owner Dikla Kadosh was featured on the Sam and Kara show, where the topics of conversation included more than just salt talk!

Check out the shortened version:

Or you can listen to the hour-long talk show here:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April Newsletter

In This Issue:

Deep Cure for Asthma
Channel 7 ABC News
Spring Special!

April 1, 2010
Spring at Salt Chalet

Deep Cure for Asthma
Andrew's journey to a salt cave in Poland

Andrew Zinnes, now a Salt Chalet customer, was fatigued and frustrated by his ongoing breathing difficulties, so he traveled to Wieliczka, Poland to a salt mine clinic that has been operating since 1964.

Below is an excerpt of his very entertaining and well-written account of the experience, which appeared in Men's Journal on April 23, 2009.

Deep Cure for Asthma
When all else fails, two weeks in a Polish salt mine can help you breathe again.
By Andrew Zinnes

The Last Straw Superman had kryptonite. Samson got a haircut. Me? Dust mites. Those little scourges have made me asthmatic for the past 10 years — irritating my breathing, leading to countless sinus infections, and causing two episodes wherein I passed out from coughing. They limit the amount of exercise I can do at the gym and make me think twice about playing a game of pickup soccer. But worst of all, they curb the amount of time I can run around the house with my young daughter.

I’m not alone in my suffering. According to the Mayo Clinic, asthmatics are one of the fastest-growing medical demographics in the U.S., with roughly 20 million people afflicted in 2008.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Channel 7 ABC News
Segment Touts Effectiveness of Salt Therapy

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- It may not be the best part of your diet, but the latest medical studies show how salt can help deal with a cold and help some people with breathing problems. But now, the salt health craze is taking on a new dimension. Salt rooms, spas and caves are now popping up all over the U.S., but do they really work?

View the segment by clicking here.

Spring Special!
Spring is in the air ... and so is pollen and dust and other irritants

But you don't have to dread those sunny days any longer! Salt Chalet is offering a Spring Special for allergy season: Sign up for a package of 12 invigorating salt sessions this month only, and get bumped up to 15 (a $100 upgrade). Offer ends April 30, 2010.

Salt Chalet
17401 Ventura Blvd., Suite B17
Encino, CA 91316
(818) 907-9512