Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shania's Saline Solution

Country diva Shania Twain recently visited a salt room in New York. Here is the blog post from The National Post's blogger, Shinan Govani:

Shinan: Shania's saline solution
Posted: April 21, 2010, 2:04 PM by NP Editor

All sugar and spice … and salt. That’s our Shania Twain.

With the superstar Elizabeth Gilbert-ing her way through life these days — new man, check; new Oprah-blessed reality show, check — she’s also taking care of business, lungs-wise. To that end you see, she was in New York City, just a couple of weekends back, where she visited a wellness centre specializing in … well, yes, salt.

According to a source, the Canadian cover girl popped in then into the newly-hatched Halo/Air Salt rooms, on West 22nd Street, where she “told the receptionist that she wanted to go to cleanse her throat, as she can she has been sick/breathing poor recently, and had heard breathing in salt particles could benefit singers.”

Apparently, it was an hour-long session and, apparently, Shania, like Schwarzenegger, said she’d be back. Salt inhalation, which has been around since the Greeks and long acted as a boon to those with respiratory problems, is inspired here by the “natural conditions found in caves in Eastern Europe,” according to a recent piece in The New York Times.

“Man, I feel like a woman!” was what she screamed when she emerged from her Salt Room. Actually, she did not. But that would have been great, no?

What the toe-tapper did do, our spy further reports, is breathe in salt particles while catching up on her favourite TV shows. (Because, well — hypothetically speaking — what goes down better with 30 Rock than a nostril-full of salt?)

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