Sunday, March 7, 2010

How much is your health worth?

The Great Recession has not yet released its tight grip on us. Shopping malls are slowly coming back to life, but unemployment is still high and times are still tough. We're all watching our bank accounts and cutting back on lattes and dinners out. But is health a luxury we can afford to do without during such hard times?

For someone who goes through their day with throbbing sinus headaches and debilitating fatigue, as one of our clients does, good health is not a luxury. It's a need more basic than many others we seemingly can't live without -- how many Americans have canceled their cable tv service during this recession? For this particular client of ours, health is so central to his life that he is considering moving to Hawaii to help alleviate some of the respiratory ailments from which he is suffering. He recently flew down from Spokane, Washington to be treated at our facility. He spent three days doing successive treatments in our salt room and came out so impressed with the improvement in his health that he is seriously considering building a salt room in his home.

It's either that, or move his entire family to Hawaii, where he can live by the beach and swim 5 times a day, which seemed to have helped his symptoms as well.

For those of you living in Los Angeles, improved health will not require a plane ticket, or moving to another state, or even building a salt room in your home (not a cheap endeavor). At most, it'll require an aggravating drive on the 405 if you're a city dweller.

But isn't your health worth 45 minutes in the car?

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